Group Homes

Community Residential Services Living
Second Chances Comprehensive Services, LLC is committed to providing quality care to individuals and their families through supporting and assisting with everyday needs. We deliver the highest level of services to the communities in which we serve.
- Our resident population consists of men and women 18 years of age and older with a developmental disability diagnosis.
- Each individual will receive cognitive stimulation in a supportive therapeutic environment while strengthening their community support.
- All Funding for Second Chances Community Residential Services is secured through Medicaid, and Private Insurance.
We Offer
- 24- Hour Supervision
- Medication Management
- Obtaining and Following Medical Recommendation
- Self-Care Training
- Positive Behavior Supports
- Communication Skills
- Anger Management
- Conflict Resolution
- Daily Living Skills
- Community Integration Services
- Household Management Services
- Recreational Activities
- Transportation

“Second Chances Comprehensive Services is every essence of its meaning. SCCS gave my son a second chance at life by implementing behavioral techniques necessary to provide daily functions both at home and in the community.”
– Valued Client
Find the Help You Need
We have four locations around Northern Virginia, Central Virginia, Tidewater & Hampton Roads. Find the location nearest you and contact us for more information about our mental health and group counseling services.

Virginia Beach
Contact Info
Phone: 804-733-1180